Alipay or WeChatPay


In the past year, more than 10 million Chinese tourists have traveled to Thailand. These tourists spent approximately 600 million THB during their stay in the country. Moreover, almost all Chinese nowadays use Alipay or WeChatPay as a means to pay and buy things. In order to help our merchants tap into this market effectively, SCB provides open APIs to enable Alipay and WeChatPay services.

Reference Terms

C - Consumer
B - Business


1. C Scan B Payment

API Initiator : Partner/Third Party
API Recipient : SCB

The API for C Scan B payment supports both Alipay and WeChatPay. The C scan B payment first requires QR Code generation. After the QR is generated, it will be valid for a period of 2 hours. Afterwhich, the QR expires and needs to be regenerated in order to be usable again.

2. B Scan C Payment

API Initiator : Partner
API Recipient : SCB

The API for B Scan C payment supports both Alipay and WeChatPay. This API generates tokenized data, encapsulated in the QR Code, that the consumer presents inside the Alipay or WeChatPay application. To use this API, Partners and/or Third Parties require any QR code reader (e.g. 2D scanners, mobile applications) to read the token. The token within consumer's QR code is only valid for 2 minutes before expiring.

The API will have 3 possible outcomes:

3 . Payment Confirmation

API Initiator : SCB
API Recipient : Partner/Third Party

Note : The payment confirmation applies only to C Scan B Payment.

Once the consumer completes the payment, SCB will send a payment confirmation to the registered partner's/third party's backend system. The payment confirmation is to acknowledge that the payment has been completed by the consumer on the banking platform and sends transactional information to the partner/third party. If the payment fails, no confirmation message will be sent.

4. Inquiry Transaction Status

API Initiator : Partner/Third Party
API Recipient : SCB

An API call can be made by the Partner/Third Party if they want to inquire on the transaction status of a pending payment. For example:

5. Close QR

API Initiator : Partner/Third Party
API Recipient : SCB

For WeChatPay C Scan B Only
This is the case where QR code was already generated but the partner would like to invalidate the QR. It is hence recommended that the partner sends the Close QR API to invalidate the QR.

6. Cancel Paid Transaction

API Initiator : Partner/Third Party
API Recipient : SCB

Once a transaction has been paid by the customer, the partner can call the Cancel API to cancel the transaction. The Cancel API will cancel the transaction. There are 2 APIs depend on the use case as following

For C Scan B

For B Scan C


Technical Flow

C Scan B Payment

Seq No. API Name API Endpoints
1 Generate Access Token POST /v1/oauth/token
2 C Scan B Payment POST /v1/payment/ewallets/qrcode/create
3 Payment Confirmation -
4 Inquiry Transaction Status POST /v1/payment/ewallets/inquire
5 Cancel Paid Transaction (Alipay) POST /v1/payment/ewallets/cancel
5 Cancel Paid Transaction (WeChatPay) POST /v1/payment/ewallets/refund
6 Close QR (Only WeChatPay) POST /v1/payment/ewallets/qrcode/cancel

B Scan C Payment

Seq No. API Name API Endpoints
1 Generate Access Token POST /v1/oauth/token
2 B Scan C Payment POST /v1/payment/ewallets/pay
3 Inquiry Transaction Status POST /v1/payment/ewallets/inquire
4 Cancel Paid Transaction (Alipay & WeChatPay) POST /v1/payment/ewallets/cancel