
This endpoint retrieves the details of a specific transaction given a transaction ID

Sandbox URL :{transactionId}

Request Header

Name Type Required Description
authorization String Conditional OAuth token obtained after the user has provided consent and the authorized partner calls the /v1/oauth/token endpoint to retrieve this token
accept-language String Optional The language of the content in the request payload
- EN (Default)
- TH
resourceOwnerId String Required The hash value of the userid, or your application id value
requestUId String Required A unique identifier the client can generate to track the current request call

Request Parameter

Name Type Required Description
transactionId String Required ID from the transaction which was created in v3/deeplink/transactions
Example Request
curl -X GET \{transactionId} \
  -H 'accept-language: EN' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <Your Access Token>' \
  -H 'requestUId: 646fdf72-5feb-48e8-baaa-54dafb8e6317' \
  -H 'resourceOwnerId: <Your API Key>'


Name Parameter Type Description
code Integer Partner API response code
description String Partner API response description
transactionId String A unique ID of the transaction, same as the request parameter
userRefId String Hashed resourceOwnerId that our system will use to identify the user with
transactionType Enum Type of payment the transaction was completed with value:
transactionSubType Array of Enum Subtype of payment the transaction was completed with possible values for the “PURCHASE” transaction:
• “BP”: Bill Payment
• “CCFA”: Credit Card Full Amount
• “CCIPP”: Credit Card Installment Payment Plan

Note: Multiple values can be selected
transactionMethod Enum Type of payment method customer chose
Possible values:
• “BP”: Bill Payment
• “CCFA”: Credit Card Full Amount
• “CCIPP“: Credit Card Installment Payment Plan
paidAmount Decimal Amount paid in the transaction
billPayment Object A JSON object containing details of the Bill Payment transaction
Required where: the transactionType is “PURCHASE” and the transactionSubType includes “BP”
billPayment.paymentAmount Decimal Amount to be paid per transaction
billPayment.accountTo String Account number or Biller ID

Note: Partners can get the Biller ID on merchant profile of their application
billPayment.ref1 String Reference number required for the relevant payment methods
billPayment.ref2 String Reference number required for the relevant payment methods
Required where: Supporting Reference field under merchant profile of application is set to Two references
billPayment.ref3 String Reference number required for the relevant payment methods to identify endpoint for receiving payment confirmation
Format: Reference 3 Prefix + (value), example: SCB1234

Note: Partners can get the Reference 3 Prefix and set the Payment Confirmation Endpoint on merchant profile of their application
billPayment.accountFrom String Account number of the customer
creditCardFullAmount Object A JSON object containing details of the Credit Card Full Amount transaction
Required where: the transactionType is “PURCHASE” and the transactionSubType includes “CCFA”
creditCardFullAmount.merchantId String Merchant ID of the merchant for the full amount payment

Note: Partners can get the Merchant ID on merchant profile of their application
creditCardFullAmount.terminalId String Terminal ID of the merchant for the full amount payment

Note: Partners can get the Terminal ID on merchant profile of their application
creditCardFullAmount.orderReference String Order reference from the merchant
Format: Only alphanumeric allowed
creditCardFullAmount.paymentAmount Decimal Amount to be paid per transaction
creditCardFullAmount.approveCode String Approve code of the transaction
• Response only statusCode = 1 and 4
creditCardFullAmount.traceNo String Trace number of the transaction
• Response only statusCode = 1 and 4
creditCardFullAmount.accountFrom String Account number of the SCB customer chosen to pay
• Response only statusCode = 1 and 4
creditCardFullAmount.merchantName String Payee name
• Response only statusCode = 1 and 4
installmentPaymentPlan Object A JSON object containing details of the Installment Payment transaction
Required where: the transactionType is “PURCHASE” and the transactionSubType includes “CCIPP”
installmentPaymentPlan.merchantId String Merchant ID of the merchant for the installment payment

Note: Partners can get the Merchant ID on merchant profile of their application
installmentPaymentPlan.terminalId String The terminal ID of the merchant for the installment payment

Note: Partners can get the Terminal ID on merchant profile of their application
installmentPaymentPlan.orderReference String Order reference from the merchant
Format: Only alphanumeric allowed
Note: For Sandbox, partner can send any value
installmentPaymentPlan.paymentAmount Decimal Payment amount in the transaction
installmentPaymentPlan.tenor String The tenor of the transaction.
installmentPaymentPlan.ippType ENUM The installment payment plan type of calculate the interest rate and absorb interest rate. The values are possible ("1", "2", "3")
• 1: Merchant absorb interest rate for the current transaction.
• 2: Customer or consumer absorb interest rate for the current transaction.
• 3: Supplier absorb interest rate for the current transaction.
installmentPaymentPlan.prodCode String The product code of product.
Note: For Sandbox, the prodCode is “1001”
installmentPaymentPlan.accountFrom String Account number of the SCB customer chosen to pay
• Response only statusCode = 1 and 4
partnerId String Initiating partner's identifier key
partnerName String Initiating partner's application name
sessionValidityPeriod Integer Timeout period for the new transaction; in seconds
createdTimestamp DateTime Timestamp of when the transaction was created
updatedTimestamp DateTime Timestamp of when the transaction was last updated
fee Integer Remark:
• Response only statusCode = 1 and 4
statusCode Integer Status of the transaction which can be one of the following:
0 — for "PENDING"
1 — for "PAID"
2 — for "CANCELLED"
3 — for "INVALID"
4 — for "PARTIAL"
5 — for "EXPIRED"
merchantMetaData Object A JSON object containing any metadata the merchant needs to log regarding the new transaction
- paymentInfo: Display the additional transaction details section according to standardize layout for partner bill payment, fields sequence as same as the fields sequence in metadata

Note: merchantMetaData.paymentInfo[] is a dimension array with length: 10
Refer to Metadata Guidelines for full recommended specifications
Example Response
    "status": {
        "code": 1000,
        "description": "Success"
    "data": {
        "transactionId": "a4220ec2-bd0b-441f-b333-7c32d7b6d7f9",
        "userRefId": "7b109a37-09ba-4a62-aa56-9ea7ea3e97ab",
        "transactionType": "PURCHASE",
        "transactionSubType": ["BP", "CCFA", "CCIPP"],
        "transactionMethod": "BP",
        "paidAmount": 3500.00,
        "billPayment": {
            "paymentAmount": 3500.00,
            "accountTo": "001230083",
            "ref1": "523863962",
            "ref2": "2626539343",
            "ref3": "ABC123",
            "accountFrom": "029470043",
        "creditCardFullAmount": {
            "merchantId": "802913322065774",
            "terminalId": "777200043828345",
            "orderReference": "A091DPM9001",
            "paymentAmount": 3500.00,
            "approveCode": "300844",
            "traceNo": "072538",
            "accountFrom": null,
            "merchantName": "Merchant1234"
      "installmentPaymentPlan": {
           "merchantId": "3850067890",
           "terminalId": "765400041888244",
           "orderReference": "A091DPM9001",
           "paymentAmount": 3500.00,
           "tenor": "12",
           "ippType": "3",
           "prodCode": "1001",
           "accountFrom": null,
        "partnerId": "66900789566433434",
        "partnerName": "Trusted Partner",
        "sessionValidityPeriod": 60000,
        "createdTimestamp": "2022-01-20T13:00:00+07:00",
        "updatedTimestamp": "2022-01-20T13:41:00+07:00",
        "fee": 10,
        "statusCode": 1,
        "merchantMetaData": {
            "deeplinkUrl": "scbeasysim://purchase/a4220ec2-bd0b-441f-b333-7c32d7b6d7f9",
            "callbackUrl": "",
            "paymentInfo": [

Response Codes

See list of Generic Response Codes.