
This endpoint for void transaction from qrcode c scan b.

Note: This endpoint has only the document specification.

Request Header

Name Type Required Description
authorization String Required Oauth token of the user performing the function
content-type String Required Content type of request payload
Remark: application/json
accept-language String Optional The language of the content in the response payload
Remark: current support en or th
resourceOwnerId String Required A unique identifier the client represented to API Key
requestUId String Required A unique identifier the client can generate to track the current request call
Remark: requestUId is random alphanumeric and length is 32.

Request Body

Name Parameter Type Required Description
channelDateTime Datetime Required Channel Date Time
Format: CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss±hh:mm
originalPaymentInformationAndReversal Object Condition Information concerning the original payment information, to which the reversal message refers
Required for ISO20022
originalMessageIdentification String (35) Optional Point to point reference, as assigned by the original instructing party, to unambiguously identify the original message
originalCreationDateTime String (29) Optional Date and time at which the original message was created. This property is formatted as a ISODateTime
originalInstructionIdentification String (35) Optional Unique identification, as assigned by the original instructing party for the original instructed party, to unambiguously identify the original instruction
originalEndToEndIdentification String (35) Condition Unique identification, as assigned by the original initiating party, to unambiguously identify the original transaction
Required for ISO20022
originalInstructedAmount Object Optional Amount of money, as provided in the original transaction, to be moved between the debtor and the creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency, as ordered by the original initiating party
transactionAmount Number(15,2) Required Total digits - 15. fraction digits – 2
transactionCurrency String (3) Required Currency Code as per registered ISO 4217. consist of three (3) contiguous letters
bp Object Condition Cross-bank bill payment
Required for ISO8583
reversalType String (35) Condition Reason for the reversal, in a proprietary form. Either code or proprietary value can be provided. Valid values:
 • CANCELLATION_REQUEST (Cancel original request – void payment)
Required for ISO20022
bpReference String (16) Condition Generated by Payment Hub in InitiatePayment response
if First Character isB: Additional MappingEndpoint = POST /scbph/v1/custbp/reversal
if First Character isD: Additional MappingEndpoint = POST scbph/v1/payments/reversal
Required for ISO8583
initiatingPartyId String (35) Optional Initiating Party Identification

Example Request

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'accept-language: en' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <Your Access Token>' \
  -H 'requestUId: 5c00d79e-2cca-4413-b40a-d6ab8e9eddcf' \
  -H 'resourceOwnerId: <Your API Key>' \
  -d '{
        "channelDateTime": "2022-02-11T05:10:07.255Z",
        "originalPaymentInformationAndReversal": {
            "originalInstructedAmount": {
                "transactionAmount": "1207.86",
                "transactionCurrency": "THB"
        "bp": {
            "reversalType": "CANCELLATION_REQUEST",
            "bpReference": "D014204297610859"
        "initiatingPartyId": "583912743809127"


Name Parameter Type Required Description
status Object Required Status object
code Integer Required A business status code of request
description String Required A business status message of request
data Object Required Response data
status Object Required
responseStatus Enum Required List of Value: Success, Failure
responseCode String (3) Required
responseCodeDescription String (50) Required
extStatusDesc String (107) Required
data Object Required
bpReference String (16) Required Format: BBBByddd########
orgRqUID String (36) Optional
payer Object Optional
region String (4) Optional
branchNo String (4) Optional
branchName String (25) Optional
bankID String (4) Optional
accountNumber String (20) Optional
accountName String (40) Optional
accountShortName String (13) Optional
accountSubType String (1) Optional
accountCurrency String (3) Optional
accountStatusCode String (3) Optional
accountStatusDescription String (10) Optional
accountAvailableBalance Number (21) Optional
oCCode String (4) Optional
payee Object Optional
region String (4) Optional
branchNo String (4) Optional
branchName String (25) Optional
bankID String (4) Optional
proxyType Enum Optional List of Value: BILLERID
proxyId String (20) Optional
billerSvcName String (20) Optional
proxyAccountName String (50) Optional
accountNumber String (20) Optional
accountName String (40) Optional
accountShortName String (13) Optional
accountCurrency String (3) Optional
accountSubType String (1) Optional
billerCode String (20) Optional
billerName String (50) Optional
billerType Enum Optional List of Value: “N”, “S”, “O”, “Q”, “R”
tepaCode String (3) Optional
billerSubType String (2) Optional
oCCode String (4) Optional
senderFee Object Optional
amount Number(16) Required
currency String (3) Required
payerBankFee Object Optional
amount Number(16) Required
currency String (3) Required
payeeBankFee Object Optional
amount Number(16) Required
currency String (3) Required
createDateTime Datetime Optional
postedDateTime Datetime Optional

Example Response

  "status": {
    "code": 1000,
    "description": "Success"
  "data": {
    "status": {
      "responseStatus": "Success",
      "responseCode": "000",
      "responseCodeDescription": "Success",
      "extStatusDesc": "00002017010603091143 |N1003022646 3085860300087340023 09390696905 |SCB1"
    "data": {
      "bpReference": "B014709400000001",
      "orgRqUID": "123456788886",
      "payer": {
        "region": "0000",
        "branchNo": "0000",
        "branchName": "SCB Head Office",
        "accountNumber": "384995886",
        "accountName": "PRAKIT DEEPROM",
        "accountCurrency": "THB",
        "accountStatusCode": "ACT",
        "accountStatusDescription": "NORMAL",
        "accountAvailableBalance": 24887.00,
        "oCCode": "3261"
      "payee": {
        "proxyType": "BILLERID",
        "proxyId": "123456",
        "billerSvcName": "Dean Martin",
        "proxyAccountName": "Bill Johnson",
        "accountNumber": "True Mobile Services Ltd 9994995888",
        "accountName": "True Mobile Ltd",
        "billerCode": "12345",
        "billerName": "Brian Lara",
        "billerType": "O",
        "region": "0000",
        "bankID": "0006",
        "branchName": "SCB Head Office",
        "oCCode": "9900"
      "senderFee": {
        "amount": 0.00,
        "currency": "THB"
      "payerBankFee": {
        "amount": 0.00,
        "currency": "THB"
      "payeeBankFee": {
        "amount": 0.00,
        "currency": "THB"
      "createDateTime": "2017-03-13T09:00:01.000+07:00",
      "postedDateTime": "2017-03-24T09:00:01.000+07:00"

Response Codes

See list of Generic Response Codes.