Direct Debit Redirect Pay


SCB provide new Payment Gateway direct debit to e-commerce partners. To have ability to receive direct debit payment real-time. Payer can authenticate by themselves with SCB services. For example, SCB EASY App, SCB EASY Net, SCB E-Payment, SCB Business Net, or SCB Business Anywhere, to make a payment to registered SCB accounts of e-commerce partners via web-view. The SCB Redirect Pay services offer three main functions to facilitate a direct debit payment which are OAuth token for authentication, payment request, and payment result inquiry.

Note: Sandbox version provided only SCB EASY app channel. For Live version please contact


There are 2 APIs as listed below:

1. Direct Debit Payment with Redirect Pay

This feature provides merchant e-commerce partners with ability to receive payment through SCB Payment Gateway Redirect Pay. Not only e-commerce partners do not need to have their own websites or native applications but also payers do have various authentication methods of SCB services to make a payment up to payer’s preferences.

User journey

2. Direct Debit Payment Inquiry

This feature provides merchant partners able to check status of payment transaction from SCB Payment Gateway Direct Debit.


Technical Flow

Reference APIs

Seq No. API Name API Endpoint
2,8 Request Access Token POST /v1/oauth/token
4 Initial Web Pay POST /v1/payment/web/ddpay
9 Host to Host Web Payment Status Host to Host Web Payment Status (POST)