Host to Host Registration Status (POST)

This is callback to merchant for return customer registration status as a result of web customer registration.



Name Data Type Description
merchantId String Merchant ID
encryptedValue String Registration information encrypted result please see more detail below.
validationMessages Array[Object] Validate Message please see more detail below.

Registration Information

Name Data Type Description
regRef String Registration reference
ref1 String Customer reference (Reference No.1)
ref2 String Other reference (Reference No.2)
statusCode String Registration status code see link for register status
statusDesc String Registration status description
errorCode String Registration error code
accountNo String Customer's account number registration (Only register successful)
backURL String Merchant callback URL

Validation Messages:

Name Type Description
message String Error message
description String Description of message

Example Response

    "status": 200,
    "body": { 
        "merchantId": "2020000001",
        "encryptedValue": "<Encrypt Data>",
        "validationMessages": [] 