Host to Host Web Payment Status (POST)

This is callback to merchant for return web payment status as a result of payment.



Name Data Type Description
merchantId String Merchant ID
subAccountId String Merchant Sub-account
encryptedValue String Payment information please see more detail below.
validationMessages Array[Object] Validate Message please see more detail below.

Payment Information

Name Data Type Description
refNumber String Merchant reference number
refDateTime String Merchant reference date and time per transaction
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency
customerRef String Customer reference
txnNumber String Unique transaction number from SCB payment gateway
txnDateTime String Transaction date and time from SCB payment gateway
statusCode String Transaction status code see link for payment status
statusDesc String Transaction status description
responseCode String Transaction rejected response code (transaction rejected only)
callbackH2HUrl String Merchant callback URL

Validation Messages:

Name Type Description
message String Error message
description String Description of message

Example Response

    "status": 200,
    "body": { 
        "merchantId": "2020000001",
        "subAccountId": "202006307560",
        "encryptedValue": "<Encrypt Data>", 
        "validationMessages": [] 