Generic Response Codes

HTTP Status Code Business Code Description
200 1000 Success
200 1000 Data successfully updated
201 1000 Creation successful
202 1000 The request has been received and presumed to run in the background
204 1000 Data successfully deleted
400 1101 Missing required parameters
400 1102 Invalid parameters entered
400 1103 Empty string input not supported
404 1104 Requested entity record does not exist
400 1105 Unrecognized field name was entered - Please check spelling and/or refer to the API docs for correct name
400 1111 Data entry duplicated with existing
501 4101 Current channel is not supported
400 8101 Invalid response from downstream service
500 8101 Invalid response from downstream service
400 8102 Payment API error code
500 8901 Database error
500 8902 Error getting mysql_pool connection
400 9100 Required standard headers (FIELD_NAME) not found
401 9100 Missing required authorization credentials
401 9100 Authorization credentials required
401 9300 Invalid/expired temporary token
401 9500 Invalid apikey provided
401 9500 Invalid authorization credentials
403 9503 Invalid access rights
500 9700 Generic server side error
405 9900 Wrong http method requested on endpoint
415 9900 Unsupported content type defined
500 9900 Threat has been detected
502 9900 Invalid response from upstream server
503 9900 Server is currently unavailable because traffic overload or it is down for maintenance
503 9900 System maintenance in progress. We will be back shortly.
504 9900 API Request Timeout