HTTP Status Code Business Code Status Code Error Code Description Remarks Registration Status
200 1000 0 Success Success
200 1000 0001 Initiated (Only for inquiry API) Pending
200 1000 0002 Verified Passed (Only for inquiry API) Fail
200 1000 0003 1 Verified Failed Citizen ID is not match with account Fail
200 1000 0003 2 Verified Failed Birth Date is invalid Fail
200 1000 0003 3 Verified Failed Citizen ID is not match Fail
200 1000 0003 7 Verified Failed Invalid consented customer information Fail
200 1000 0003 8 Verified Failed Consented customer information internal exception Fail
200 1000 0003 9 Verified Failed Invalid ATM Card No Fail
200 1000 0003 10 Verified Failed Invalid ATM PIN No Fail
200 1000 0003 11 Verified Failed Invalid ATM exceeded limit Fail
200 1000 0003 99 Verified Failed Unexpected error has occurred Fail
200 1000 0004 Term and Conditions (Only for inquiry API) Fail
200 1000 0005 Request OTP Fail
200 1000 0005 5 Request OTP Resend OTP exceeded limit Fail
200 1000 0005 8 Request OTP Consented customer information internal exception Fail
200 1000 0005 12 Request OTP Mobile not found Fail
200 1000 0006 4 OTP Failed OTP failed exceeded limit Fail
200 1000 0006 8 OTP Failed Consented customer information internal exception Fail
200 1000 0006 99 OTP Failed Unexpected error has occurred Fail
200 1000 9999 6 Error Web register session timeout Fail
200 1000 9999 99 Error Unexpected error has occurred Fail
400 1101 Missing required parameters Fail
400 1102 Invalid parameters entered Fail
400 1103 Empty string input not supported Fail
404 1104 Requested entity record does not exist Fail
400 1105 Unrecognized field name was entered - Please check spelling and/or refer to the API docs for correct name Fail
400 1111 Data entry duplicated with existing Fail
400 8102 Payment API error code Fail
400 9100 Required standard headers (FIELD_NAME) not found Fail
401 9100 Missing required authorization credentials Fail
401 9300 Invalid/expired temporary token Fail
401 9500 Invalid apikey provided Fail
403 9503 Invalid access rights
405 9900 Wrong http method requested on endpoint Fail
415 9900 Unsupported content type defined Fail
500 8101 Invalid response from downstream service ValidationMessage: Invalid input format Description:
regRef can not be null
regRef can not be empty
regRef length can not over 20 characters
ref1 can not be null
ref1 can not be empty
ref1 length can not over 20 characters
ref2 length can not over 20 characters
remarks length can not over 100 characters
backUrl can not be null
backUrl can not be empty backUrl is invalid format
merchantId is invalid format

ValidationMessage: Specified resource not found Description:
regRef 'xxxxx' not found
merchantId 'xxxx' not found
subAccountId 'xxxxx' not found

ValidationMessage: Specified resource is duplicate. Description:
regRef is duplicate.

ValidationMessage: Persistence Exception Description:
Error while decrypting data
500 8901 Database error Fail
500 9700 Generic server side error Fail
500 9900 Threat has been detected Fail
501 4101 Current channel is not supported Fail
502 9900 Invalid response from upstream server Fail
503 9900 Server is currently unavailable because traffic overload or it is down for maintenance Fail
504 9900 API Request Timeout Pending