
This endpoint provides the consented user information to the partner application.

Sandbox URL :

Request Header

Name Type Required Description
authorization String Required OAuth token obtained after the user has provided consent and the authorized partner calls the /v1/oauth/token endpoint to retrieve this token
resourceOwnerId String Required The hash value of the userid. Use the value of resourceOwnerId from the response header of /v1/oauth/token
requestUId String Required A unique identifier the client can generate to track the current request call
accept-language String Optional The language of the content in the response payload
- EN (Default)
- TH
Example Request
curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'accept-language: EN' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <Your Access Token>' \
  -H 'requestUId: 99100361-23d2-433d-8c21-4b6469918713' \
  -H 'resourceOwnerId: <The value of resourceOwnerId from the response header of /v1/oauth/token>'


Name Parameter Type Description
code Integer Partner API response code
description String Partner API response description
profile Object An object containing the scoped user information, as permitted by user consent tied to each application
citizenID String Citizen ID
passportNumber String Passport Number
- Prefix letters on national insurance number as
- JPAB5110010
alienID String Alien ID
Values can be :
- ID 13 digits (Begins with 0,6,7 or 8)*
- Digits with alphabet*
thaiFirstName String Thai first name
thaiLastName String Thai last lame
thaiTitle String Thai title name
engFirstName String Eng first name
engLastName String Eng last name
engTitle String Eng title name
birthDate String Date of birth
mobile String Mobile number
email String Email address
genderCode String Gender of customer
nationalityCode String Nationality code (Based on ISO 3166)
cardType String Customer ID Type
- P1: Citizen ID
- P7: Alien ID
- P8: Passport Number
countryCode String Country code
- This field will have value when cardType is "P8"
address Object
addressSeqID String Address Sequence ID
usageCode String Address Type
- E: Education
- F: Census Registration
- H: Home
- I: Identification card
- M: Identification card and Census Registration
- O: Office
- R: Registration
- N: Nationality Home Address
ownerCode String Address Owner Code
- 1: owner
- 2: rent
- 3: live with other
- 5: live with family
formatCode String Address Format Code
- 1: Standard
- 2: PO. Box
- 3: Building
contactIndicator String Address contact indicator
- Y: Current contactable address
- N: Not current address but contactable ex. postal box
currentAddressFlag String Address contact indicator
- Y: Current contactable address
- N: Current address but not prefer for mailing
thaiAddressNumber String Thai Address Number
thaiAddressVillage String Thai Address Village
thaiAddressMoo String Thai Address Moo
thaiAddressTrok String Thai Address Trok
thaiAddressSoi String Thai Address Soi
thaiAddressThanon String Thai Address Thanon
thaiAddressDistrict String Thai Address District
thaiAddressAmphur String Thai Address Amphur
thaiAddressProvince String Thai Address Province
thaiAddressState String Thai Address State
engAddressNumber String Eng Address Number
engAddressVillage String Eng Address Village
engAddressMoo String Eng Address Moo
engAddressTrok String Eng Address Trok
engAddressSoi String Eng Address Soi
engAddressThanon String Eng Address Thanon
engAddressDistrict String Eng Address District
engAddressAmphur String Eng Address Amphur
engAddressProvince String Eng Address Province
engAddressState String Eng Address State
countryCode String Address country code (Based on ISO 3166)
zipCode String Zip Code
floorNumber String Floor Number
unitNumber String Unit Number
Example Response
  "status": {
    "code": 1000,
    "description": "Success"
  "data": {
    "profile": {
      "citizenID": "1100100112323",
      "passportNumber": "JPAB51100100",
      "alienID": "1234567890",
      "thaiFirstName": "จอห์น",
      "thaiLastName": "โดว์",
      "thaiTitle": "นาย",
      "engFirstName": "John",
      "engLastName": "Doe",
      "engTitle": "Mr.",
      "birthDate": "1990-01-31",
      "mobile": "0910110111",
      "email": "",
      "genderCode": "M",
      "nationalityCode": "TH",
      "cardType": "P1",
      "countryCode": "",
      "address": {
        "addressSeqID": "001",
        "usageCode": "H",
        "ownerCode": "1",
        "formatCode": "1",
        "contactIndicator": "Y",
        "currentAddressFlag": "N",
        "thaiAddressNumber": "209/128",
        "thaiAddressVillage": "อาคารเอสพี",
        "thaiAddressMoo": "2",
        "thaiAddressTrok": "",
        "thaiAddressSoi": "",
        "thaiAddressThanon": "รัชดาภิเษก",
        "thaiAddressDistrict": "จตุจักร",
        "thaiAddressAmphur": "จตุจักร",
        "thaiAddressProvince": "กรุงเทพฯ",
        "thaiAddressState": "กรุงเทพฯ",
        "engAddressNumber": "209/128",
        "engAddressVillage": "SP Building",
        "engAddressMoo": "2",
        "engAddressTrok": "",
        "engAddressSoi": "",
        "engAddressThanon": "Ratchadaphisek",
        "engAddressDistrict": "Chatuchak",
        "engAddressAmphur": "Chatuchak",
        "engAddressProvince": "Bangkok",
        "engAddressState": "Bangkok",
        "countryCode": "TH",
        "zipCode": "10900",
        "floorNumber": "14",
        "unitNumber": "23/12"

Response Codes

See list of Generic Response Codes.