
This API supports the inquiry of a QRCS transaction using QRID. The QRID is generated on a successful API call to QRCS generation. The transaction details will only be returned to the API caller if the inquired transaction is fully paid.

This API is typically used when the partner does not receive a payment confirmation for a QRCS transaction and would like to check if the transaction has been successfully paid for.

Sandbox URL :{qrId}

Request Header

Name Type Required/Optional Description
content-type String Required Content type of request payload
resourceOwnerId String Required The system identifier, use the value of apikey
requestUId String Required A unique identifier the client can generate to track the current request call
authorization String Required OAuth token obtained after the user has provided consent and the authorized partner calls the /partners/v1/oauth/token endpoint to retrieve this token
accept-language String Optional The language of the content in the request payload
- EN (Default)
- TH

Query String Parameter

Name Type Required Description
qrId String Required Unique identifier of QR code.
Length: up to 20

Example Request

  curl -X POST \{qrId}     \
      -H 'Accept-Language: EN' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Postman-Token: 9806954a-6c5b-4c15-ae5c-01ab38f72b10' \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer 5ac2b470-e839-4adf-8497-648a4db495a7' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'requestUId: 871872a7-ed08-4229-a637-bb7c733305db' \
      -H 'resourceOwnerId: l7f7b936ead92e4c5b87241cf9cca7565a' \


Name Parameter Type Description
code Integer See Response Code below for reference
description String Description of Response Code
transactionId String Transaction ID of the transaction
amount String Transaction Amount
transactionDateandTime String Transaction Date and Time
Format: yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss
merchantPAN String Merchant PAN number from card scheme, up to 16 characters
consumerPAN String Customer PAN number from card scheme, up to 16 characters
currencyCode String Currency Code of Transaction (764 for Thai Baht)
merchantId String Merchant ID
This value will match with the value that partner submitted to create QR Code
terminalId String Terminal ID
This value will match with the value that partner submitted to create QR Code
qrId String QR ID Information
traceNo String Terminal Trace No
authorizeCode String Card Scheme Authorize Code
paymentMethod String Fix to QRCS
transactionType String Type of Transaction
SETTLED for payment successful transaction
channelCode String Channel Code of Transaction
For Example : VISA, MASTER
invoice String Transaction Invoice Number
This value will match with the value that partner submitted to create QR Code
note String Transaction Note
This value will match with the value that partner submitted to create QR Code

Example Response

        "status": {
            "code": 1000,
            "description": "Success"
        "data": {
            "transactionId": "20190910121630805000000",
            "amount": "8284.50",    
            "transactionDateandTime": "20190912 10:32:46",
            "merchantPAN": "4761320000000011", 
            "consumerPAN": "999999xxxxxx0001",
            "currencyCode": "764",
            "merchantId": "447434058100730",
            "terminalId": "073334824590333",
            "qrId": "20190910121630805000000",   
            "traceNo": "000001", 
            "authorizeCode": "489332",
            "paymentMethod": "QRCS",
            "transactionType": "SETTLED",
            "channelCode": "VISA",
            "invoice": "SCB0001",
            "note": "Additional note"

Response Codes

See list of Generic Response Codes.