HTTP Status Code Business Code Status Code Response Code Description Remarks Transaction Status
200 1000 1000 Payment Success Success
200 1000 1001 01 Duplicated Transaction (API and Web) Fail
200 1000 1001 02 Amount exceeded limit (API and Web) Fail
200 1000 1001 03 Invalid customer reference (API and Web) Fail
200 1000 1001 04 OTP is required (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 05 OTP failed exceeded limit (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 06 Resend OTP exceeded limit (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 07 Authentication failed (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 08 Redirect payment session timeout (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 09 Merchant integration type is mismatch (API and Web) Fail
200 1000 1001 10 Corp ID not found (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 11 Easy net fraud detector (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 12 This account has been closed (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 13 Secure mobile not found (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 14 Expired transaction (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 15 Account not found (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 16 Your Account on Business Net have not completed (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 18 This OD Account does not match with eligible supplier (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 98 Service Temporary Unavailable (Web only) Fail
200 1000 1001 99 Unexpected error has occurred (API and Web) Fail
200 1000 1002 H030 Payment Failed Potential Duplicate Transaction from front-end Fail
200 1000 1002 H109 Payment Failed Transaction is cancelled Fail
200 1000 1002 H113 Payment Failed Invalid Amount Fail
200 1000 1002 H117 Payment Failed Invalid Channel Fail
200 1000 1002 H131 Payment Failed Invalid reference 1 Fail
200 1000 1002 H132 Payment Failed Invalid reference 2 Fail
200 1000 1002 H133 Payment Failed Invalid reference 3 Fail
200 1000 1002 H165 Payment Failed Amount or number of transaction is over limit Fail
200 1000 1002 H176 Payment Failed Invalid Destination Account Number Fail
200 1000 1002 H182 Payment Failed Account Not Found Fail
200 1000 1002 H184 Payment Failed It is cut off time. This bill cannot be paid Fail
200 1000 1002 H190 Payment Failed Connection error between biller bank and biller Fail
200 1000 1002 H195 Payment Failed Transaction cannot be processed at biller Fail
200 1000 1002 H210 Payment Failed Payee Proxy Not Active Fail
200 1000 1002 H270 Payment Failed Payee Account Not Active Fail
200 1000 1002 H310 Payment Failed Payer Proxy Not Active Fail
200 1000 1002 H330 Payment Failed Payer Account Not Active Fail
200 1000 1002 H340 Payment Failed Insufficient Funds Fail
200 1000 1002 H340 Payment Failed Payer Insufficient Funds Fail
200 1000 1002 H410 Payment Failed Confirm too late Fail
200 1000 1002 H420 Payment Failed Transaction Reference Not Found Fail
200 1000 1002 H430 Payment Failed Invalid Transaction Status Fail
200 1000 1002 H460 Payment Failed Authentication Failed Fail
200 1000 1002 H505 Payment Failed Invalid Payment Method Fail
200 1000 1002 H508 Payment Failed Not Resident Customer Fail
200 1000 1002 H509 Payment Failed Customer Not Found Fail
200 1000 1002 H901 Payment Failed Invalid Creditor Account Number Fail
200 1000 1002 H901 Payment Failed NotAllowed Account Fail
200 1000 1002 H901 Payment Failed InvalidDebitorAccountNumber Fail
200 1000 1002 H902 Payment Failed Frozen Account Fail
200 1000 1002 H903 Payment Failed Closed Account Fail
200 1000 1002 H904 Payment Failed Transaction is Over Limit Fail
200 1000 1002 H905 Payment Failed Dormant Account Fail
200 1000 1002 H906 Payment Failed Account Hold Fail
200 1000 1002 H012 Payment Failed This account has been closed Fail
200 1000 1002 H020 Payment Failed Duplicate Payment Fail
200 1000 1002 H040 Payment Failed Transaction Timeout Pending
200 1000 1002 H999 Payment Failed General Response Code Fail
200 1000 1002 H999 Payment Failed Waiting Time Expired Fail
200 1000 1002 H999 Payment Failed SyntxnError Fail
200 1000 1003 Pending processing (Web only) Pending
200 1000 1004 Pending approval (Web only) Pending
200 1000 1005 Cancelled (Web only) Fail
400 1101 Missing required parameters Fail
400 1102 Invalid parameters entered Fail
400 1103 Empty string input not supported Fail
404 1104 Requested entity record does not exist Fail
400 1105 Unrecognized field name was entered - Please check spelling and/or refer to the API docs for correct name Fail
400 1111 Data entry duplicated with existing Fail
400 8102 Payment API error code Fail
400 9100 Required standard headers (FIELD_NAME) not found Fail
400 9900 Max request has reached rate limited Fail
401 9100 Missing required authorization credentials Fail
401 9100 Authorization credentials required Fail
401 9300 Invalid/expired temporary token Fail
401 9500 Invalid apikey provided Fail
401 9500 Invalid authorization credentials Fail
403 9503 Invalid access rights Fail
405 9900 Wrong http method requested on endpoint Fail
415 9900 Unsupported content type defined Fail
4xx Any For any 4xx category those has not been documented in the mapping table above. Client should threat transaction as failured, as 4xx category imply client failure. Fail
500 8101 Invalid response from downstream service ValidationMessage: Invalid input format Description:
merchantId can not be null
merchantId can not be empty
amount is invalid format
refNumber can not be null
refNumber can not be empty
refNumber cannot contain special character
refDateTime can not be null
refDateTime can not be empty
refDateTime must be 'yyyyMMddHHmmss'
amount can not be null or empty
amount can not be empty
amount must be more than 0.00
amount must be less than 999999999999.99
amount is invalid format
currency can not be null
currency can not be empty
currency is invalid
callBackUrl can not be null
callBackUrl can not be empty
callBackUrl is invalid format

ValidationMessage: Specified resource not found Description:
merchantId '123456' not found
subAccountId '12345' not found
accountNumber not found

ValidationMessage: Service Unavailable Description:
Service is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.

ValidationMessage: Payment Failed. Description
SCB has temporarily close service.

ValidationMessage: Persistence Exception Description:
Error while decrypting data
500 8901 Database error Fail
500 9700 Generic server side error Fail
500 9900 Threat has been detected Fail
501 4101 Current channel is not supported Fail
502 9900 Invalid response from upstream server Fail
503 9900 Server is currently unavailable because traffic overload or it is down for maintenance Fail
503 9900 System maintenance in progress. We will be back shortly. Fail
504 9900 API Request Timeout Pending
5xx and not 504 Any For non HTTP response code 504 under 5xx category. (Non timeout error code under server error) Client should threat transaction as failured. In case of server communication error causes by SCB network equipment. It is possible that client will receive http code 5xx without business code, in this case client should threat transaction as failure as well. Fail