
This endpoint support the B Scan C Payment API.

Sandbox URL :

Request Header

Name Type Required Description
content-type String Required Content type of request payload
- application/json
authorization String Required OAuth token obtained after the user has provided consent and the authorized partner calls the /v1/oauth/token endpoint to retrieve this token
resourceOwnerId String Required The system identifier, use the value of apikey
requestUId String Required A unique identifier the client can generate to track the current request call
accept-language String Optional The language of the content in the request payload
- EN (Default)
- TH

Request Body

Name Type Required Description
qrData String Required The B Scan C QR Code data read from Mobile Banking Application
payeeBillerId String Required Biller ID
Length: 15
transactionAmount String Required Transaction Amount
Format in decimal (15,2)
reference1 String Required Reference code 1
Length: up to 20
Data Type: [AZ09] English capital letter and number only.
reference2 String Required Conditional
Reference code 2 is required when Biller profile is set to 2 references
Length: up to 20
Data Type: [AZ09] English capital letter and number only.
reference3 String Required Conditional
Reference code 3 is required to identify end point for receiving payment confirmation
Format: Prefix + reference 3 , example : SCB1234
Length: up to 20
Data Type: [AZ09] English capital letter and number only.
partnerTransactionID String Required Unique Transaction ID from a partner
Format: Biller ID 15 char + random 20 alphanumerics in upper case
payeeTerminalNo String Optional Terminal ID
Example Request
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer 30915739-27ba-4d6d-acb6-6902fc8c49d7' \
  -H 'resourceOwnerId: 8f26823c-ad30-42ef-a9fb-9252b35bd1fe' \
  -H 'requestUId: 786db854-49a9-4e76-a4ba-30b6d19ba233' \
  -H 'accept-language: EN' \    
  -d '{ 
    "qrData": "85058505435056303161FF4F10A00000067701200563", 
    "payeeBillerId": "123456789012345", 
    "transactionAmount": "1500.00", 
    "reference1": "12345678901234567890", 
    "reference2": "", 
    "reference3": "SCB01061900001",
    "partnerTransactionId": "102376737772201H819JM9Z1JI22I90918F"



Name Parameter Type Description
code Integer Partner API response code
description String Partner API response description
partnerTransactionId String Partner Transaction ID
transactionId String SCB Transaction ID
transactionDateTime String Date Time of Transaction
exchangeRate String Exchange Rate between Transaction Currency and Equivalence Transaction Currency
transactionAmount String Echo Transaction Amount
transactionCurrency String Transaction Currency
Using code defines a currency for transactions based on ISO 4217. Thai Baht is ‘764’.
equivalenceTransactionAmount String Payer Transaction Amount
equivalenceTransactionCurrency String Payer Currency
payerBankCode String Payer Bank Code
payerTepaCode String Payer TEPA Code
billerId String Echo Merchant Biller ID
reference1 String Echo Merchant Reference Code 1
reference2 String Echo Merchant Reference Code 2
reference3 String Echo Merchant Reference Code 3
slipId String Transaction Slip ID use in Slip Verification API
originalTransaction Object


Name Type Description
messageIdentification String Message Identification
messageNameIdentification String Message Name Identification
paymentInformationIdentification String Payment Information Identification
Example Response

Response Codes

See list of Generic Response Codes.